Teacher Blogs
Why learning a language online is the ideal way for young learners
Today's generation was born into a technological world. Growing up in a digital environment has increasingly defined their way of learning and this generation will participate in a world which will be 100% digital. Based on that, it seems clear that learning online is...
How teenagers learn vs.how adults learn
Any teacher with experience of teaching teenagers and adults would agree the challenge is very different even when the subject and level is the same. Each group requires different types of activities, a unique rhythm for the lesson and special skills for the teacher...
How Spanish taught in the UK compares with English taught in Spain
In 2018, the Eurobarometer found that only 32% of UK 15-30 years old could read and write in a minimum of two languages. Compared to most countries across Europe, where at least 80% of the population can read and write in two or more languages, the UK language...
The experience of learning a foreign language online: benefits and barriers
For many adults the benefit of learning a foreign language online is much to do with convenience. There's an obvious advantage with it being accessible from wherever you are, but there are other benefits we might be missing too. Learning online doesn’t make it better...
Why is it important to know the learning style of your students?
Have you ever noticed how some activities you do in the classroom are more enjoyable than others? And some students enjoy some activities better and others simply don’t? As a teacher, you may have thought it is you, or the book or the activities, however, and although...