Episodio 14 – Qué Hiciste El Fin De Semana?

Episodio 14 – Qué Hiciste El Fin De Semana?

While the girls are having a drink at the bar and talk about their jobs, Tony enters to tell everyone how happy he is about his new role at work. To celebrate the great news, they all cheered with a few beers, including Don Martín – who happily joins them to celebrate…
Episodio 11 – La Peor Cita De Mi Vida

Episodio 11 – La Peor Cita De Mi Vida

Belén tells Sara how excited she is because she has a date with Tomás, a guy who she's met via Romántica - the new trendy dating site. Marcos, instead, only seems to pay attention to the football match. Find out how the date went for Belén and Tomás, who by the way...

Episodio 12 – ¡Toni Tiene Nuevo Trabajo!

Episodio 12 – ¡Toni Tiene Nuevo Trabajo!

While the girls are having a drink at the bar and talk about their jobs, Tony enters to tell everyone how happy he is about his new role at work. To celebrate the great news, they all cheered with a few beers, including Don Martín - who happily joins them to...

Episodio 13 – ¿Conoces Toledo?

Episodio 13 – ¿Conoces Toledo?

The four are planning a trip to Toledo for the weekend. After sorting out the hotel where to stay and booking the train tickets, they all get ready to go when they suddenly realised that a distracted Marcos booked the tickets for the wrong date. Marcos only has a few...

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