Is Learning Spanish Difficult?

I’m sure you think yes and no.

Well like any other language, you need commitment and dedication, but that does not mean it can’t be fun!!

Of course being part of a Spanish course is essential so that you can learn vocabulary (idioms and expressions), phonetic, grammar structures and one of the most important reasons is you get to practise all of that with other people.

Attending to a course helps you in all those factors, but it’s never enough if you don’t make use of it in your normal life, out of the school hours. How can we make learning Spanish more interesting and fun?  This is what our blogs are about. Below are some of the tips I use when I learn a language and also some ideas I always suggest to my students:

Hobbies 1Hobbies 2Hobbies 3Hobbies 4


  1. Read Spanish books or papers. If you like reading what’s going on in the world, why don’t you read the latest news on a Spanish paper? You can visit their online site every morning while having breakfast. If you prefer books, you can start from lower levels and then challenge yourself to read something that you would read in your mother tongue.
  2. Watch films made in Spanish. There’re thousands of them from Spain, Argentina, Mexico, etc. – see blog about Pedro Almodóvar and Spanish Film Festival.
  3. Music, music, music. It’s everywhere, it’s a great part of our life, why not listen to Spanish music? You can find different types of Spanish music such as flamenco, folk, pop, indie or even great rock bands too!
  4. Spanish Exhibitions help you understand not only the language, but also Spanish culture.
  5. Social events. There’re many Spanish festivals: food, cinema, music, etc. It gives you the opportunity to meet other people with the same interests.
  6. We love travelling! Try to find a little gap in your diary to escape to one of the beautiful countries where people speak Spanish. In that way you are not just enjoying the most wonderful holidays but also practising everything mentioned above.

A normal day:

normal day 1Mind the Gap sign on the edge of a London Underground Tube station's platform

Unfortunately we can’t do what we love all the time, but we can give a little twist to our standard routine when learning a language. You can find excellent tips in Amaya’s blog, I have added some others if  you want to have a look:

  1. When you are in the train on your way to work: look at the people and objects around you discreetly and try to describe them by using the vocabulary that you know.
  2. Read the signs on the streets and buildings, try to translate them into Spanish. If you can’t, now you have this task for homework!
  3. Use all the applications for your phone or tablet: duolingo,memrise, busuu,
  4. Write your daily must do list in Spanish: “tengo que …”, “debo …”, etc
  5. If you are lucky to have a friend that speaks Spanish, speak to your friend as much as you can!

Now, after all that information do you think that learning Spanish is difficult?

And what are your ideas or tips to learn?

I hope you enjoy the blog.

¡Hasta pronto!
