Hola Chicos,
What a great night we had again!! And again big thank you to all people that came and is making possible to run the Cinema Club. It was great to see familiar faces from the last movies films and also see new faces that enjoy our social night. It was also great to see students practising their Spanish while having a great pizza.
I could see some faces a bit shocked after the movie, it was an intense movie with violence but at the same time was a great plot, so I am glad that apart from the violence you liked it, we heard great feedbacks from some of you. We chose it because we believe we have to show a different range of movies and because the acting from all actors is great. And at the same time I am sure most of you learnt how to swear in Spanish, which sometimes can help and usually we do not teach this in the classroom
Luis Tosar, “Malamadre” won a Goya Award for the movie, as a result of his great acting as the bad boy. Also great acting was Carlos Bardem´s, Apache; Carlos is known as Javier Bardem´s brother but in the movie he acts amazingly as a Colombian criminal. The movie was also first important movie for Alberto Ammann, Juan Oliver, who won Best new actor in Goya Awards.
I love some cultural and historic parts. In the movie you still can see older cops using old torture technics as they used to do during Franco´s dictatorship. And also the importance of ETA prisoners. ETA was a formerly armed Basque nationalist that started fighting against Franco dictatorship, one of their most assassination was when they killed with a bomb Carrero Blanco in 1973, Franco´s chosen successor and president of the government. During the democratic transition they carried on killing, especially some politicians and militarist but unfortunately they killed also children and families. I personally remember in 1987, the biggest bombing attack in the history of ETA near my home in Barcelona, ETA placed a bomb in a supermarket, Hipercor, where my parents used to shop and killed 21 people. ETA prisoners were held in prisons far away from Basque country in order to punish them for their acts and avoid visits from family and friends, they were also jailed separately from other prisoners to protect them.
My favourite part is when they ordered 40 kilos of prawns and they are enjoying it.
I also love “Releches”, the inmate that acts as a friend of “Malamadre” and has a twangy accent.
Next movie will be “Mar adentro”, probably one of the most famous Spanish movies from the last 15 years and our last film of the year.
The film tells the true story of a quadriplegic’s battle for the end of his life. It is an amazing performance by Javier Bardem and last Spanish movie who won an Academy award.
Nos vemos el 10 de noviembre.